Online Music Instruction by AGMS

Your child loves music. She has reached a level of playing that requires her to take music theory lessons.

You are trying to find a day and time but nothing seems to work. If this describes you, online music instruction may be what you are looking for.

Taking online music lessons has the following advantages:

1. No need to commute to take the lesson
2. Lessons can be taken on any device at any time
3. Lesson can be taken in a self study format or with a facilitator or a combination


Course Name

Introductory Theory

Suggested Age

12 and up

14 and up


Virtual classroom

Virtual tutoring


Weekly lesson
Course website with assignments, and resources

Assisting independent students on as a needed basis


$29.95 p/month

$29.95 p/session

Elementary Theory

12 and up

14 and up

Virtual classroom

Virtual tutoring

Weekly lesson
Course website with assignments, and resources

Assisting independent students on as a needed basis

$39.95 p/month

$29.95 p/session

Intermediate Theory

12 and up

14 and up

Virtual classroom

Virtual tutoring

Weekly lesson
Course website with assignments, and resources

Assisting independent students on as a needed basis

$49.95 p/month

$35.95 p/session

Advanced Theory

12 and up

14 and up

Virtual classroom

Virtual tutoring

Weekly lesson
Course website with assignments, and resources

Assisting independent students on as a needed basis

$59.95 p/month

$39.95 p/session


1. Introductory Theory

Virtual classroom
Weekly lesson. Course website with resources, assignments, and quizzes
Suggested minimum age: 12
Tuition: $29.95 per month

Virtual tutoring
Assisting independent students as they need to
Suggested minimum age: 14
Tuition: 29.95 per session

2. Elementary Theory

Virtual classroom
Weekly lesson. Course website with resources, assignments, and quizzes
Suggested minimum age: 12
Tuition: $39.95 per month

Virtual tutoring
Assisting independent students as they need to
Suggested minimum age: 14
Tuition: 29.95 per session

3. Intermediate Theory

Virtual classroom
Weekly lesson. Course website with resources, assignments, and quizzes
Suggested minimum age: 12
Tuition: $49.95 per month

Virtual tutoring
Assisting independent students as they need to
Suggested minimum age: 14
Tuition: 35.95 per session

1. Introductory Theory

Virtual classroom
Weekly lesson. Course website with resources, assignments, and quizzes
Suggested minimum age: 12
Tuition: $49.95 per month

Virtual tutoring
Assisting independent students as they need to
Suggested minimum age: 14
Tuition: 39.95 per session

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the difference between Virtual classroom and virtual tutoring?

In the virtual classroom option students meet with a teacher on a regular basis to learn new content, review assignments, and make clarifications. Students have also access to a website course where they can also access video lessons for further reinforcement or to learn new content.

In the virtual tutor option students meet with a teacher to ask questions or ask for explanations about the content they have been learning on their own from a book, or youtube videos, or exam practice papers.

2. Is the virtual classroom option a group or an individual course?

It is an individual course. This allows students to get through the content at their own pace and and start anytime.

3. Can these courses help to prepare for exams?

The virtual classroom option covers the content outlined in the Royal Conservatory’s theory syllabus.

4. What sort of equipment is needed to take the course?

Any option whether the virtual classroom or virtual tutoring can be accessed from either a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or mobile device. You will also need access to the internet, preferably a set of headphones with microphone, and a way to either scan or take a picture of any work done on paper.

5. How can parents know the progress of their children?

When you register you will be answering a short survey where you will provide us with an alternate email you want us to send progress updates. You will receive updates of the progress of your child and reminders of class time.

6. Who is the instructor?

Instructors for our online courses also teach at our brick and mortar studio.

7. Do I need to take all the levels?

It is recommended that you take all the courses in order if you have never taken theory lessons. The content learnt in one level is expanded in the next.

8. I have more questions. How can I contact the instructor?

You can set up an appointment for a complimentary consultation over the phone. Make your appointment today